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About Us
Who We Are
- Columbus City Schools, established in 1845, is the state of Ohio’s largest school district, serving the needs of 47,000 students in 112 schools. The district, which employs more than 9,000 teachers and staff, is under the leadership of Interim Superintendent/CEO Dr. Angela Chapman and a seven-member Board of Education. The mission of Columbus City Schools is that each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community.
Who We Serve
- Columbus City Schools serves a diverse student population within the vibrant Columbus community of nearly one million people. Within the approximately 29,000 households of our students, 95 different languages are spoken by families hailing from 104 countries. The top non-English languages spoken by the families we serve are Spanish, Somali, Nepali, Arabic, and French.
- Students identified with special needs make up around 18 percent of the student population. Eight percent of students are identified as gifted. CCS also serves more than 6,000 students who are classified as vulnerable youth -- those who are homeless, in foster care, or in a temporary or emergency living situation.
- Columbus City Schools participates in the federal free breakfast and lunch program, serving more than 10.5 million meals annually and 60,000 meals daily to PreK-12 students.
Location and Inquiries
- The Columbus City Schools main office is located at 270 E. State St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.
- For general questions, call the FACTLine at 614-221-3228.