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Single Job Posting
Billed Only Once

Great for One-Off Hiring Needs

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Employer's Company Bio Page

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png 1 Standard Job Post

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Posts Are Live for 21 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alert Email Sent to Potential Candidates

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Distributed on Google Jobs Network

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Top-of-List Positioning

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Social Media Sharing

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Direct Email Sharing

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Musicians Résumé Database Access

Featured Listings
Billed Only Once

Featured Listings are job posts that are highlighted to stand out among the other jobs and opportunities posted in the Music Jobs Board. Featured Listings also will be "pinned" to the top of the list for the entire 21 days of activation.

On average, Featured Listings get 2x more views than regular listings.

See example below:


Subscription: Annual
Billed Yearly

Includes all the benefits in the Single Job Post package, PLUS:

  • Unlimited number of job and opportunity listings for a year
  • Only 1 payment needed, eliminating hassle of repeated payments
  • Assistance from Music Jobs Board Admin. MJB Admin will enter the job or opportunity information into the Music Jobs Board for the subscriber.

Musician Profile Subscription
Billed Yearly

Musician Profile Subscription provides once-monthly promotion to Facebook (two pages), Instagram, and LinkedIn, as well as once-quarterly direct email to over 1,000 music professionals across Ohio. Total reach potential is approximately 10,000 to 15,000 targeted viewers.

Banner Ads - 90 days
Billed Only Once

Banner ads are placed in high-traffic locations on the Music Jobs Board, where the eyes of visitors typically land. These ads remain active for 90 days. Website locations are the home page and the top or bottom of each job listing page. A banner ad will help you create brand awareness and generating click-throughs, purchases, and leads.

Banner ads may be purchased by music companies or by individual musicians who want to advertise their teaching or coaching studios. (We are not currently accepting banner ads from musical artists intending to promote themselves as performers. We encourage performers to create their profiles in the Profiles section of the Music Jobs Board.)

Check out this banner ad as an example:
