About Us
Who we are.
Founded in 1916, Indianola Presbyterian is a Christian church located in the University District of Columbus (a block behind Buckeye Donuts).
We’re progressive and traditional, young and aging, tree-huggers and white collars, open-minded and learning, contemplative and questioning, prayerful, creative, and active. Folks just like you.
People who are just trying to figure out the mysteries of God, and better understand what all God has do with us.
We are home to artists and activists, queer and questioning, OSU students/faculty/staff and life-long learners, families and singles, introverts and extroverts, natives and transplants, Neighbors from this neighborhood and from almost all of Columbus’ other neighborhoods.
Our worship is casual & informal, and the Spirit moves through classic & contemporary songs, stories, rituals, prayer, and art.