Northwest Christian Church

Northwest Christian Church Music Jobs


Susan Schwarz: MJB admin

About Us


We welcome you!

At Northwest Christian Church, a congregation in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we are a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. We are called to welcome others as we have been welcomed by God. As Disciples of Christ, we find our identity at the Lord’s Table, practicing open communion for all. 

We strive to be a people of grace, and we welcome all God’s children while diverse in race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, economic status, marital status, physical or mental ability, political stance, theological perspective, or any other identity. 

Inviting, welcoming, and embracing the family of God, we declare ourselves an Open and Affirming congregation. 

Our Mission

The Mission of this congregation shall be to lead people to faith in Jesus Christ, to encourage their active commitment to His service, and to facilitate their growth in grace and in the knowledge of Christ. Further, it shall be our mission to work for the unity of all Christians and to participate in the common task of building the Kingdom of God.

Our Vision

The Vision of this congregation is to be a relevant and growing church, actively embodying and sharing the love of God revealed by our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

Empowered by our Lord, we shall be:

Radically hospitable,

inviting, welcoming, and embracing all people into the family of Christ.