Reynoldsburg City School District

Reynoldsburg City School District Music Jobs


Susan Schwarz: MJB admin

About Us

Portrait of an Educator

The Reynoldsburg Portrait of an Educator focuses on five competencies that we not only look for in a highly-qualified candidate, but reflect work already being done throughout the District.

A Reynoldsburg Professional is:

Culturally Literate

This is done through partnership with stakeholders in bridging gaps, communicating knowledge in multidirectional ways, acknowledging, and seeking to understand personal bias and communicating high expectations for all students. We strive to shift from monocultural to multicultural relevant perspectives in response to the world around us. We work with students to build bridges between home and schools through genuine respect for all.

 Focused on Classroom Culture and Collaboration

This is done through effective communication and honoring and respecting diversity and equity. We strive to enrich the learning of self and others by eliciting feedback and achieving collective outcomes. We work to leverage strengths and build collective action.

 A Reflective, Life-Long Learner

This is done through creating an environment to synthesize various perspectives and demonstrating value to self and all stakeholders. We strive to continuously improve by reflecting about where we have collectively and personally been and where we want to go. We work to consider new ways to hone and improve ourselves, our craft and the educational environment.

 A Flexible, Relationship-Builder

This is done by committing to understand students and content well enough to scaffold learning with a willingness to let the learner generate and lead experiences based on interest. We strive to create emotionally and intellectually safe learning spaces where students can iterate their learning and “fail forward”. We work to make connections with students, families and the world beyond Reynoldsburg City Schools.

 A Contributor to the Community and the Education Profession

This is done through integrity and empathy and building our professional learning network. We strive to demonstrate personal accountability and make positive connections to the educational world. We work to improve our profession and make a positive difference in the lives of others.