About Us
The Stark County ESC is committed to meeting district needs by providing quality educational programs, support and services.
COLLABORATION - To increase and enhance learning opportunities for students by improving communication and collaboration within our ESC, the broader educational community, and among other agencies and businesses.
STAFF DEVELOPMENT - To improve student learning by implementing exemplary staff development programs which enhance leadership capabilities for administrators, teachers, and other staff members.
TECHNOLOGY - To improve student learning, administrative and management functions through technology.
DIRECT SERVICES - To improve student learning and administrative operations by providing the maximum services to school districts within the resources available.
The Stark County Educational Service Center is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of race, color, age, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, gender, religion, marital status, military status, or disability. Individuals are selected for employment based only on merit and qualifications directly related to professional competence. This job description is not intended to be a complete list of required duties and it is understood by the employee that other related and reasonable duties will be required if requested by an immediate supervisor or administrative staff member. This document is subject to change in response to student need, staff factors, funding variables, modified operating procedures, program/curriculum changes, and unforeseen events. The employee is expected to follow all policies and procedures in accordance with the Stark County Educational Service Center and district or department assignment.