About Us
About Our District
Welcome to Upper Arlington Schools, the home of the Golden Bears — a premier school district located in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. Founded in 1918, Upper Arlington Schools is now home to more than 6,500 students across our preK-12 programs — including our tuition-funded preschool program at Burbank Early Childhood School, five elementary schools, two middle schools and one high school.
Driven by a mission to challenge and support every student, every step of the way, Upper Arlington Schools continues to be a lighthouse district — leading the way for others across the state of Ohio and the country with a high quality academic program, exceptionally talented students, and new and innovative programming designed to meet the individual needs of all students.
Guiding all of this work is the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan, which identifies a focused set of recommendations rooted in the district’s mission and the vision of uniquely accomplished students prepared to serve, lead and succeed.