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About Us
Upper Arlington Lutheran Church
We believe that God has called us to be an Oasis of his kingdom for a dry and thirsty world. We envision a future where we are so well-watered in the love and truth and Spirit of Christ that it transforms our life together, and people who encounter our church community would say, “See how they love one another,” to the glory of God.
This vision rests on four important convictions:
- It is God’s Oasis, and it could only ever happen by His grace and power. We are sinful people in constant need of forgiveness. If this vision of Christlike love comes true, it will be because Jesus first loved us and gave himself for us on the cross.
- We are an oasis community, a family of brothers and sisters in Christ learning life together in the way of Jesus by the power of the Spirit. The shape of our life together is the shape of the cross. Christlike love isn’t easy or sentimental; it is sacrificial and powerful.
- An oasis is not a fortress. We invite people in and carry Living Water out.
- There is a desert; there are mirages; there is an enemy. We are in a battle, but we know God wins!
The mission of our church is to be and to make disciples of Jesus Christ, which is the mission Jesus gave his whole Church 2,000 years ago. This Oasis vision gives us a picture of that universal Christian mission as we carry it out here at UALC.