About Us
About New Carlisle First UMC
Methodists in the New Carlisle community, then called Monroe, first began meeting in 1817 in individual homes for worship and Bible study. The first church building was constructed in 1820 on the same corner where our present church building now stands. In the early years, the church body was served by itinerant preachers (circuit riders) who came every four weeks or so to preach, conduct worship, and counsel the church members.
As the community and church grew in population, the need for more worship and study space became evident. Many renovations and remodeling projects were undertaken over the years to provide the current facility we enjoy today. In 1987, an adjoining building across Madison Street was acquired and renovated as a Family Center, which is now used as a food pantry serving the surrounding community.
Mission and Vision
Our Mission as a United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We do this as we worship and participate in ways that lead us to know God’s grace in our lives and share that grace with others. We are called to be a thriving and vibrant congregation of worshiping people who love and serve others together in the name and spirit of Jesus Christ.