Instrumental Music/Band Instructor
Grade level: 6-12
(Proper Certification Required)
School: Nordonia High & Middle School
Effective from: August 18, 2025
Vacancy will remain open until position is filled.
This position may involve travel between Nordonia’s Intermediate, Middle, and High School buildings.
Additional supplemental duties may be involved, such as, Band Director or Assistant Band Director duties.
Travel outside of Northeast Ohio is expected due to competitive programming and contests.
Marching band, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, Pep Band, 7th and 8th grade Bands, and General Music instruction are expected.
Competitive marching band experience preferred.
Candidates with show band experience may apply.
Please Click here to apply
The Nordonia Hills City School District Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, or genetic information in employment or the provision of services.